About Me

Hello! I’m Kelsey; a 28-year-old food scientist with an unhealthy obsession for everything pink, chocolate, and Parisian. I cannot stop collecting fantastic books and recipes; nor can I stop analyzing them to figure out what makes them tick. Currently I live in San Francisco, CA, and you can often find me geeking out about cacao origins or pet nat wine production.

Food has always been special to me since birth. This was apparent at my high school graduation party when 80% of the pictures showcased me admiring a meal. Since my first messy experience with cake as a toddler, I have become more interested in what food was and why it was so delicious.

Food science is something I think about every time I look at food. It’s become second nature to see a cookie and recognize that the combination of many complex reactions created the texture, taste, color, and aroma that manifests itself like magic as a simple cookie. I’ve discovered that food and ingredients camouflage themselves to the world as being utterly easy when they are anything but.

This blog is dedicated to the exploration of fantastic food with a little scientific jargon and personal style thrown in for good measure.

You can think of this blog as your nerdy resource for anything related to food, cooking, ingredient science, or general cocktail chatter. Science friend, hey-o! With each post, I focus on one component that has a considerable impact on the final dish, glass of wine, etc. Sometimes I get on a roll and go really deep. You can find those ramblings in the ‘In Appreciation of‘ recipe category if you’re interested in browsing the deeeeep science. Otherwise, I try my best to make the chemistry or microbiology relate-able and fun to read about. Hopefully you get excited about it too and want to read more! Or not, that’s totally fine.

I’ve been writing this blog for seven years now, so I usually link to previous posts that may also touch on something relevant where appropriate to give a bigger picture behind the kitchen science. In other words, I may take a moment to discuss chocolate chips in a cookie recipe, but I link to an older post from the archives about what oven spring or Maillard browning is.

PS you may also be wondering why the blog has peas as a focus in the title in addition to science. Even though I love all sweet things, peas are even more addicting to me. I eat them fresh, frozen, pureed, freeze-dried, and canned—surprisingly my favorite. (I know, I’m weird) They remain my most treasured food, and thus, are a big inspiration for my food adventures.

Favorite scientific reactions:

Maillard Browning—responsible for such gems as browned butter and toast!

Starch gelatinization—a key component to the structure of most baked goods and why they are so wonderful straight out of the oven…(starch gelation is the little bugger that make them not so great after cooling)

Photography: As of right now, I only have my wonderful iPhone to take pictures. But, you can view some more photos at my VSCO grid.

Press and Freelance

You can also read more from me on other sites–ranging from the science-y to the food-y, and everything in between. Enjoy! If you’d like to work with me, email me at appeasingafoodgeek@gmail.com


  1. Judy
    September 1

    Love your blog

  2. Jacalyn Miller
    September 21

    Awesome Site!

  3. Lizz
    November 11

    Love it! Keep it up, official follower 🙂

    • Kelsey
      November 11

      Thanks Lizz! That means a lot!

  4. Lisa
    April 29

    Kelsey –
    I just came across your blog and am impressed by all you have pulled together and all you have yet to do! Would love to see more science on your blog…

    • Kelsey
      April 29

      Dr. Mauer,
      Thank you so much! Your comment means a lot. I will have a few posts coming up that are a little more science-based, so stay tuned! I hope all is well over there in Indiana.

  5. Tom Moe
    January 6

    Kelsey, I have been meaning to read your blog for a while now, it gets great reviews. I just read your Wednesday Wine blog and I a) loved that you paired a great everyday wine, the Darkhorse, with your offering, b) you paired it with such a wonderful array (flavor and texture) of foods! I often read articles etc where the subject is a rather pricey French Or Napa label that while I am sure is excellent is not something most people would drink on a Wednesday watching Willie Wanka and the Chicolate Factory. Great idea! I will be following you and looking forward to the next installment. Oh and anytime you want to tour my wine cellar and make suggestions on pairings you and your folks have a standing invite. All the best, cousin Tom

    • Kelsey
      January 7

      Thank you so much Tom! I really appreciate that! And I will definitely take you up on that wine cellar offer 😉 Kelsey

  6. monika
    February 2

    In reference to: “…and canned—surprisingly my favorite. (I know, I’m weird)…” = I thought I was the only one!

    Have you ever filled an omelette with freshly boiled peas? I don’t know…but it’s GOOD.


    • Kelsey
      February 6

      YES! A fellow pea lover! Thanks for that idea–it sounds amazing 😉 xo

  7. Ooooh, as a science and food lover I’m so happy I discovered your blog! Keep it up~~

    • Kelsey
      February 14

      Thank you so much Anita! Ditto! xo

  8. April 17

    Hi Kelsey, what an amazing site showcasing your food creations that can only grow. I love it and look forward to what else you’ll make! I too am a foodie but current work with the ingredients side of the business. Enjoy working with food scientists plus the R&D teams I talk too and meet at the Food Industry shows. Would love to work with you! Talk to you soon…..

  9. Peggy
    August 23

    Found you via a link at cheesescience.org. I’ve started reading back posts, which should keep me happily occupied for some time.

    Have you looked at extruded pasta yet? There are quite a few home machines out there, but their results differ from what can be achieved with the higher pressure commercial machines. I’d enjoy reading your perspective on it.

    • Kelsey
      September 5

      Hi Peggy–thank you for the comment! I applaud your cheese blog reads haha that is a great choice 🙂 I have not tried the extruded machines yet! I really want one, but most that I’ve come across are a bit out of my price range. If you find an affordable one, let me know! xo

  10. Beth
    December 30

    Kelsey, I NEEDED the Famous Fixmer Sugar Cookie recipe and your Mom sent me the link. Can’t wait to make them! Happy New Year!

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